Therapeutic Massage Options

Therapeutic massage is geared to soften specific tissue restrictions, address tender points, and improve overall posture and alignment

Therapeutic Massage (60 Min) Session - $150

Therapeutic Massage (60 Min) 5 Session Pack - $700

Therapeutic Massage (60 Min) 10 Session Pack - $1,350

Therapeutic Massage (90 Min) Session - $200

Other Manual Therapy Options

A variety of hands-on treatments to address the body as a whole.

Deep Tissue Massage (60 Min) Session - $150

Prenatal Massage (50 Min) Session - $150

Lymphatic Drainage Massage (50 Min) Session - $150

Trigger Point Release (60 Min) Session - $135

Myofascial Release Options

A specific hands-on technique that uses sustained pressure geared to lengthen fascial tissue. Treatment is very effective for chronic conditions, scars, and postural dysfunctions

Myofascial Release (60 Min) Session - $150

Myofascial Release (90 Min) Session - $200

TMJ Treatment Options

Hands-on technique addressing pain and limitations of the temporomandibular joint (jaw) and headaches. TMJ Treatment may be external or internal (inside the mouth) based on patient’s specific needs

TMJ Treatment (50 Min) Session - $150

TMJ Treatment (50 Min) 5 Session Pack - $700

If you have any questions or scheduling, please reach out to us at